Breeding Programs

‘INVOLVEMENT’ In Captive Breeding Programs & Breeding Endangered / Threatened Species

Endangered Species

Carnaby White Tail Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus Latirostris)

Successful Breeder of the endangered Carnaby White Tail Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus Latirostris).

Please see below links to view further information about this beautiful endangered cockatoo in Western Australia:

Pictures showing growth of a baby Carnaby Cockatoo being bred in captivity by us.

Threathened Species

Muir’s Corella –  Cacatua Pastinator Pastinator (Western Corella)

Geoff and Ray became involved in the captive breeding program for the Muir’s Corella –  Cacatua Pastinator Pastinator (Western Corella) and the first successful breeder of these birds in captivity in Perth Western Australia.

Please see below links to view further information about this very cheeky threatened cockatoo in Western Australia: 

Captive Breeding

Red Earred Firetail Finch – Stagonopleura Oculata

Participated in the captive breeding program for the Red Earred Firetail Finch –Stagonopleura Oculata.

Please see below links to view further information about this beautifully coloured little finch in Western Australia:

Our Breeding Programs